Some stochastic comparisons of generalized order statistics under the right spread order, the location independent riskier order and the total time transform order are investigated in this paper. The underlying distributions and parameters on which generalized order statistics are based are also surveyed to obtain the conditions for increasing the expectations of spacings between the first two generalized order statistics and between the last two generalized order statistics. §1 IntroductionThe concept of generalized order statistics was introduced by Kamps [1-2] as a unified approach to a variety of models of ordered random variables (rv's). Choosing the parameters approximately, several other models of ordered rv's, such as ordinary order statistics, sequential order statistics, k-record values, etc, are seen to be the particular cases. Generalized order statistics (GOS) have been of interest in the past ten years because they are more flexible in reliability theory, statistical modeling and inference, see [3][4][5][6][7].A natural question for GOSs is whether it possesses analogical properties of ordinary order statistics. Readers can refer to [8][9][10][11][12][13] to obtain stochastic comparisons of GOSs and their spacings by analogy with ordinary order statistics. For the aging preservations of spacings of GOSs, readers can refer to [13][14]. Recently, Wang and Li [15] exhibited preservations of ordinary order statistics under some stochastic orders; Qiu and Shen [16] found that expectations of spacings between the first two ordinary order statistics and between the last two ordinary order statistics will increase under suitable conditions.The first purpose of this paper, after recalling the definitions of generalized order statistics, some stochastic orders and three useful lemmas in §2, is to build some stochastic comparisons of generalized order statistics under the right spread order, the location independent riskier