This article describes a system for determining methylthiouracil in urine based on the sensitizing induction of methylthiouracil on the reaction between iodine and azide ions and combined techniques of high-performance liquid chromatography and simple postcolumn detection. The optimal conditions for iodineazide reaction and high-performance liquid chromatographic separation were determined. The reproducibility, linearity, and recovery were evaluated under the optimal conditions. The methylthiouracil standards added to normal urine show that the response of the detector, set at 350 nm (corresponding to unreacted iodine in the postcolumn iodine-azide reaction), is linear within the concentration range of 0.4-5.0 nmol mL À1 urine. The relative standard deviation values for precision and recovery within the calibration range varied from 0.9 to 4.8% and from 94 to 105%, respectively. Limits of detection (LOD) and quantitation (LOQ) were 0.3 and 0.4 nmol mL À1 urine, respectively.