This study investigated the quality characteristics of mulberry cultivated under greenhouse and open field conditions. Quality characteristics such as the number of aerobic bacteria, pH, acidity, soluble solid content, and contents of free sugar, polyphenol, and anthocyanin were investigated. The number of aerobic bacteria in mulberry cultivated in open fields was higher than that of mulberry cultivated in the greenhouse. The average pH was significantly higher in greenhouse mulberry whereas acidity was higher in mulberry grown in open fields. The average soluble solid content of mulberry cultivated in open fields was slightly higher than that of mulberry cultivated in the greenhouse, although the difference was not significant. Fructose and glucose were detected in mulberry as free sugar. The free sugar content of mulberry was not affected by cultivation conditions. The average polyphenol contents of mulberry cultivated in the greenhouse and open fields were 393.36 and 514.47 mg%, respectively. The average anthocyanin contents of mulberry cultivated in the greenhouse and open fields were 205.00 and 265.56 mg%, respectively. The average polyphenol and anthocyanin contents of mulberry cultivated in open fields were significantly higher than those of mulberry cultivated in the greenhouse.