There is an acute problem of providing the population of Siberia and the Far East with animal protein. One of the solutions to this problem may be the development of industrial poultry farming. The situation in the poultry industry in 2018 was predetermined by the factors prevailing in previous years, the effect of which was felt incrementally, namely low selling prices for products, cost increases, which ultimately influenced the growth rate of poultry production. A similar situation exists in the market of Siberia. It should be noted not so significant decline in prices for chicken eggs in the summer and a significant increase in September-October 2018. That influenced the economic performance of local producers, and significantly attracted to the market of the Irkutsk region manufacturers from other regions, thus reducing the market size. All these factors influenced the volume of egg production in agricultural enterprises. Consequently, the mechanism of state regulation of prices for agricultural products should help to establish the level of price parity acceptable and sufficient for the realization of the economic interests of the subjects of the agrarian market, ensuring the purchasing power of consumers of agricultural products and equality of parties in the exchange.