The typhoon Wind-Pump induced upwelling and cold eddy often promote the significant growth of phytoplankton after the typhoon. However, the importance of eddy-pumping and wind-driven upwelling on the sea surface chlorophyll a concentration (Chl-a) during the typhoon are still not clearly distinguished. In addition, the air-sea heat flux exchange is closely related to the upper ocean processes, but few studies have discussed its role in the sea surface Chl-a variations under typhoon conditions. Based on the cruise data, remote sensing data, and model data, this paper analyzes the contribution of the vertical motion caused by the eddy-pumping upwelling and Ekman pumping upwelling on the surface Chl-a, and quantitatively analyzes the influence of air-sea heat exchange on the surface Chl-a after the typhoon Linfa over the northeastern South China Sea (NSCS) in 2009. The results reveal the Wind Pump impacts on upper ocean processes: (1) The euphotic layer-integrated Chl-a increased after the typhoon, and the increasing of the surface Chl-a was not only the uplift of the deeper waters with high Chl-a but also the growth of the phytoplankton; (2) The Net Heat Flux (air-sea heat exchange) played a major role in controlling the upper ocean physical processes through cooling the SST and indirectly increased the surface Chl-a until two weeks after the typhoon; (3) the typhoon-induced cyclonic eddy was the most important physical process in increasing the surface Chl-a rather than the Ekman pumping and wind-stirring mixing after typhoon; (4) the spatial shift between the surface Chl-a blooms and the typhoon-induced cyclonic eddy could be due to the Ekman transport; (5) nutrients uplifting and adequate light were two major biochemical elements supplying for the growth of surface phytoplankton. tropical cyclones during the summer time [4]. Tropical cyclones have important "Wind Pump" impact on transporting and increasing the surface and subsurface Chl-a in oligotrophic ocean waters [5][6][7][8] through uplifting the nutrients by strong vertical mixing, upwelling, entrainment, as well as near inertial wave on the upper ocean layer, especially on the right-hand side of the storm track in the Northern Hemisphere [2,9,10]. Typhoons with slower translation speeds and stronger wind speeds have greater impact on Chl-a and the translation speeds play the more crucial role [4,11]. Tropical cyclones can also induce cyclone eddies (or reduce anti-cyclone eddies), and these eddy-pumping upwelling can further increase the surface and subsurface Chl-a [4,12]. These typhoon wind-driven physical processes and air-sea exchanges that subsequently affect the ocean's ecological status is defined as the "Wind Pump" [2,4,7,8,10,11].Biochemical conditions are essential in affecting the Chl-a through affecting its carbon/chlorophyll ratios [1,13]. Upwelling of the nutrient-rich waters from the deeper layer is the principal source of nutrients fueling the phytoplankton especially over the oligotrophic ocean like the NSCS [1,4]. The nitrogen is the maj...