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PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR FORM TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS. 1. REPORT DATE (D0-MM-YYYY)2. REPORT Fatigue crack growth involves localized fracture at the crack tip, and it intrinsically depends upon the local internal strain/stress fields and accumulated damage in the vicinity of the tip. The purpose of this report is to directly correlate variations in crack growth rate with variations in the relevant local strains around the crack tip. The so-called "overload effect", namely the prominent crack growth rate retardation after a single overload cycle in an otherwise constant amplitude is studied. Our high spatial resolution measurements around fatigue crack are greatly facilitated by indexing our measurements to the fatigue crack itself. This crack based positioning is accomplished by measuring the beam intensity transmitted through the sample, with a transmission detector, so that a radiographic transmission profile can be constructed. Such transmission profiles enabled precise location of the crack and the crack tip in the x-ray beam.
Technical Section
Technical ObjectivesThe technical objectives of this contract where to use high energy, synchrotron based x-ray diffraction measurements to determine the local strain/stress fields in the vicinity of fatigue crack tips. These strain/stress field measurements were initiated to provide guidance for fundamental modeling of fatigue crack growth. Here it should be noted that such modeling is fundamentally grounded in these local strain/stress fields and that heretofore methods to actually measure these strain fields were essentially nonexistent. (The synchrotron based x-ray diffraction techniques used in this work or developed previously by our group under previous ONR contracts.) The specific focus of this phase of our research was the "overload effect" in which a single cycle overload, in an otherwise constant amplitude fatigued specimen, retards the crack growth rate for a certain number of cycles (or crack length) after the overload (this is described at greater length below). Understanding the overload effect is an important step toward developing models of variable amplitude fatigue loading such as are needed i...