Motivated by the recent discovery of the hidden charm exotic state with strangeness by the BESIII and LHCb Collaborations, we study the S wave strange hidden bottom tetraquark in two kinds of quark models. Both meson-meson and diquark-antidiquark configurations are taken into account. The numerical results indicate that there is no bound state in both quark models. However, several resonance states have been predicted. Three resonance states with I(J P ) = 1 2 (0 + ) are found, the energy ranges of which are 10479 ∼ 10550, 10528 ∼ 10632, and 10597 ∼ 10681 MeV, respectively. Three resonance states with I(J P ) = 1 2 (1 + ) are predicted to be located in 10491 ∼ 10675, 10502 ∼ 10679, and 10522 ∼ 10723 MeV, respectively. Moreover, there also exist a resonance with I(J P ) = 1 2 (2 + ) and the mass is estimated to be 10531 ∼ 10680 MeV. All these predicted states in the present work should be accessible for the further experiments in LHCb