The MicroBooNE neutrino experiment at Fermilab is constructing a liquid-argon time-projection chamber for the Booster Neutrino Beam to study neutrino oscillations and interactions with nucleons and nuclei, starting in 2014. We describe the experiment and focus on its unique abilities to measure cross sections at low values of Q 2 . In particular, the neutral-current elastic scattering cross section is especially interesting, as it is sensitive to the contribution of the strange sea quark spin to the angular-momentum of the nucleon, Δs. Implications for dark-matter searches are discussed.Astrophysics and cosmology estimates that dark matter makes up 26.8% of the universe [1]. Particle physics experiments have yet to identify a dark matter candidate. A variety of experiments ranging from nuclear recoil direct-detection experiments, to collider indirect-experiments have been searching for dark matter, and although they have not identified a candidate yet, they are whittling down the possible parameter space for such a particle. Current physical models allow dark matter cross sections to be dependent or independent of the spin of the scattering target. The limits on these cross sections are shown in Fig. 1.To reduce the uncertainty on the spin dependent cross section, it is important to know the spin structure of the target. In the direct detection experiments, the target is a nucleus. The spin dependent cross section will be zero unless there is an unpaired nucleon spin in the nucleus. By improving our understanding of the nucleon spin structure, the uncertainties of the scattering target, and therefore the uncertainties on the dark matter cross section measurement will be improved. The net helicity of strange and anti-strange quarks in a nucleon, Δs, is rather poorly known, and at the same time it has a strong influence on dark matter detection cross sections, as shown in Fig. 2. The estimates in Figure 2 were made using the DarkSUSY simulation tool [3][4] assuming SUSY parameters of μ = +1, A 0 = 0, and tan β = 20. If Δs is negative, as suggested by polarized deep-inelastic scattering experiments, targets with an odd number of unpaired protons will see a higher cross section (solid blue), whereas targets with an odd number of unpaired neutrons will see a lower cross section (solid red).