Based on Presidential Regulation Number 43 of 2019, the Ministry of PublicWorks and Public Housing through the Aceh Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center continues to accelerate the rehabilitation of schools/madrasahs' infrastructure. Aceh Besar Regency has an educational infrastructure totaling 376 public schools/madrasahs, including in the outermost (border) area. This research aims to identify and analyze the assessment of the condition of schools/madrasahs' infrastructure, as well as analyze the priorities for handling the rehabilitation and renovation of schools/madrasahs in Aceh Besar Regency. This study used a mixed-methods method where questionnaires were used as population and instrument determinations through observation and surveys. Samples were obtained from 79 public schools/madrasahs in Aceh Besar Regency. The processing techniques were carried out on 31 public schools/madrasahs identified as severely/moderately damaged, an analysis of the level of damage to schools/madrasahs based on the Circular Letter of the Directorate General of Cipta Karya Number 47 of 2020. The sampling technique used is Purposive Sampling with considerations based on stakeholders. Respondents were determined as many as 6 stakeholders in the field of infrastructure. The criteria reviewed are state schools/madrasahs, have at least 1 classroom heavily/moderately damaged, are in a 3T area or developing village (lagging, frontier, and outermost), are in state-owned locations/lands (recorded in state assets), are not currently receiving funding assistance, non-permanent buildings, and the number of students/i. The data analysis technique is used Multi-Criteria Analysis. The results showed that the dominant criterion that needs to be considered in handling the rehabilitation and renovation of schools/madrasahs infrastructure in Aceh Besar Regency is the criteria for state schools/madrasahs. The priority for handling is SMPN 2 Lembah Seulawah as priority 1, SDN Bak Sukon as priority 2, SMPN 1 lembah Seulawah as priority 3, SMPN 3 Kuta Cot Glie as priority 4, SDN Lamcot as priority 5.