Multimodal transportation will not only increase the intensity of use of vehicles, but also reduce the passenger's travel time. The main task of organizing multimodal transportation is to maximally satisfy the demand of the population for transport services with the most efficient use of rolling stock. For a more effective solution to this problem, it is necessary to analyze the process of planning passenger transportation, evaluate the possibilities of marketing research in this area and conduct typifying of lines from the point of view of organizing multimodal transportation. The paper describes in detail the passenger transportation planning scheme and proposes an algorithm for assessing the effectiveness of managerial decisions. To improve the efficiency of making managerial decisions in the field of destination and cancellation of passenger trains of various categories, direct trains, trailing cars, organization of multimodal transportation, it is proposed to typify the lines with dividing them into 5 categories. Thus, the solution to the problem of maintaining the share of passenger traffic can be either the development of direct railway links, or the transition to multimodal transportation with the condition of coordinating the time of transfer.