The article is devoted to the study of the main aspects of international protection of intellectual rights. The authors consider a number of international conventions and treaties, as well as the main provisions of cooperation between WIPO and the WTO under the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. International treaties form a network that serves all member states, depriving them of the opportunity to act arbitrarily, at their discretion. They establish common norms and standards of IP protection, deviation from which is punishable by sanctions. By signing such treaties, states agree to partially abandon their own IP laws and follow the path of convergence with the laws of other countries. Such agreements exist for almost all categories of IP. The international system of public administration procedures in the field of intellectual property today is based on two conventions concluded in the late XIX century: Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of 20 March 1883 (Paris Convention) and the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works of 9 September 1886 (Berne Convention). These two Conventions played a fundamental role in the subsequent development of legal institutions. In the modern world, a certain system of international legal regulation of related rights has already developed, which directly affects the European related law, since, in particular, the norms of international law form the basis of the legal system of the European Union, and form international, including European, standards of intellectual property rights, including copyright and related rights. The main institutions dealing with IP protection on a global scale are the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). All member states of the European Union, as well as the European Community are members of the WTO organization, which has gained great importance in the field of intellectual property in connection with the adoption of the TRIPS Agreement. The reason that prompted states to choose a forum other than WIPO to negotiate this agreement was the growing dissatisfaction with the existing contrast between the precision, elegance, even sophistication of the treaty documents that were negotiated at WIPO and the inadequacy of the means to ensure the practical implementation and uniform interpretation of these treaties in different countries. The TRIPS Agreement addresses five important issues: the principles of the trade system and international agreements on intellectual property, the minimum level of protection of intellectual property rights, measures to enforce these rules, the procedure for resolving disputes in the field of intellectual property, as well as transitional measures during the implementation of the systems. Ukraine is a party to more than 50 multilateral and bilateral international treaties on intellectual property. Therefore, it is advisable to determine the role of international standards in the system of intellectual property rights protection as integral components of the national legal system in Ukraine. This has become especially important since 24.02.2022 due to the outbreak of a full-scale war on the territory of Ukraine. The occupation of the territory of Ukraine by Russian invaders and the theft of industrial infrastructure, cultural heritage, art objects, which are also objects of intellectual property. Absolutization of copyright and related rights protection does not automatically mean bringing such protection to international standards. Recently, in Europe and the United States there has been an understanding of the need to find a consensus between the interests of copyright and related rights holders and the interests of society for access to cultural heritage. It is necessary to amend the legislation of Ukraine in order to harmonize the interests of copyright and related rights holders and the interests of society for access to cultural heritage, in the context of introducing only the minimum requirements of international legal acts for the protection of copyright and related rights and simplifying access to copyright and related rights.