“…In recent decades there has been a growing body of research focusing on female entrepreneurship (Baughn et al, 2006;Buttner and Moore, 1997;Ettl and Welter, 2010), particularly in the context of emerging economies (Ramadani, 2015;Ramadani et al, 2013Ramadani et al, , 2014Ramadani, Hisrich, et al, 2015;Rao, 2014;Ratten, 2014;Rauth Bhardwaj, 2014) and the Arab world (Al-Dajani and Marlow, 2010;Anwar ul Haq et al, 2014;Caputo et al, 2016b;Faisal et al, 2017;Mehtap et al, 2017;Welsh et al, 2014). In such contexts, female entrepreneurship is mostly viewed as a fundamental contribution to economic development and the emancipation of women (Anggadwita et al, 2017;Ascher, 2012;Hattab, 2012;Ramadani, Dana, Ratten, et al, 2015;Ramadani, Hisrich, et al, 2015).…”