Abstract-We develop a decision-making tool based on a bilevel complementarity model for a merchant price-maker energy storage system to determine the most beneficial trading actions in pool-based markets, including day-ahead (as joint energy and reserve markets) and balancing settlements. The uncertainty of net load deviation in real-time is incorporated into the model using a set of scenarios generated from the available forecast in the day-ahead. The objective of this energy storage system is to maximize its expected profit. The day-ahead products of energy storage system include energy as well as reserve commitment (as one of the ancillary services), whereas its balancing product is the energy deployed from the committed reserve. The proposed model captures the interactions of different markets and their impacts on the functioning of the storage system. It also provides an insight for storage system into clearing process of multiple markets and enables such a facility to possibly affect the outcomes of those markets to its own benefit through strategic price and quantity offers. The validity of the proposed approach is evaluated using a numerical study. Reserve requirement of the market at time t, (MW) Q t,k Net load deviation at time t under scenario k, (MW) D. Upper-level variables e s,t Stored energy of storage system s at time t, (MWh) u s,t Binary decision variable indicating the operation mode of storage system s at time t o s,t Price bid/offer by storage system s at time t, ($/MWh) p s,t Energy quantity bid/offer by storage system s at time t, (MW) r s,t Reserve capacity bid/offer by storage system s at time t, (MW) E. Lower-level variables (day-ahead market clearing) p g,t Scheduled production of generator g in day-ahead market at time t, (MW) r g,t Committed reserve from generator g in day-ahead market at time t, (MW) p d,t Consumption of demand d at time t, (MW) r d,t Committed reserve from generator demand d in dayahead market at time t, (MW) p s,t Scheduled energy production/consumption of storage system s in day-ahead market at time t, (MW) r s,t Committed reserve from storage system s in dayahead market at time t, (MW) λ t Day-ahead market-clearing price (as a dual variable) at time t, ($/MWh). F. Lower-level variables (balancing market clearing) q g,t,k Energy deployed from reserve of generator g in balancing market at time t under scenario k, (MW) q d,t,k Energy deployed from reserve of demand d in balancing market at time t under scenario k, (MW) l d,t,k Involuntarily curtailed load of demand d in balancing market at time t under scenario k, (MW) q s,t,k Energy deployed from reserve of storage system s in balancing market at time t under scenario k, (MW) λ t,k Balancing market-clearing price (as a dual variable) at time t under scenario k, ($/MWh).2 µ, ρ Dual variables corresponding to inequality day-ahead and balancing lower-level constraints. See Sections (II-B) and (II-C) for details.