This paper explores the dynamic international student populations within Canadian academic institutions and their relationship with the academic library. The international student body has evolving needs that must be adequately addressed by the library and institution if growing numbers are to continue being supported. Plagiarism, language barriers, and an unawareness of library services are well-known barriers to success, while more current issues such as changing technologies are equally problematic. Through such efforts as hiring an international student librarian, academic libraries may discover the specific issues facing their institution’s international students and begin the process of addressing them in a tailored manner. Data collection would be a priority for better understanding the international students, as would partnering with professors and student organizations to market library services and promote information literacy in a Canadian context. The international student librarian may also provide continued outreach to this demographic that is inclusive, proactive, and collaborative, which would in turn create an atmosphere that fosters international student success and is able to support rising numbers.