This paper proposes a hybrid sorted table design for minimizing electronic trading latency, with three main contributions. First, a hierarchical sorted table with two levels, a fast cache table in reconfigurable hardware storing megabytes of data items and a master table in software storing gigabytes of data items. Second, a full set of operations, including insertion, deletion, selection and sorting, for the hybrid table with latency in a few cycles. Third, an ondemand synchronization scheme between the cache table and the master table. An implementation has been developed that targets an FPGA-based network card in the environment of the China Financial Futures Exchange (CFFEX) which sustains 1-10Gb/s bandwidth with latency of 400 to 700 nanoseconds, providing an 80-to 125-fold latency reduction compared to a fully optimized CPU-based solution, and a 2.2-fold reduction over an existing FPGA-based solution.