The best es ti mate plus un cer tainty is, at the same time, an ap proach, a pro ce dure and a framework in nu clear ther mal-hy drau lics and nu clear re ac tor safety and li cens ing. The mo ti va tion at the ba sis of the best es ti mate plus un cer tainty is the lack of knowl edge in the ar eas of sin gle and, mainly, two-phase tran sient ther mal-hy drau lics. In other terms and in tro duc ing some sim pli fi ca tions, the in suf fi cient knowl edge of tur bu lence im poses the de sign of roadmaps for the ap pli ca tion of im per fect (ther mal-hy drau lic) mod els to the eval u a tion of de sign fea tures and of safety for com plex tech no log i cal in stal la tions or sys tems like the nu clear power plants and, more spe cif i cally, the wa ter cooled nu clear re ac tors. Fur ther more, the le gal coun ter part of nu clear re ac tor safety, or the li cens ing, is con cerned: there fore the best es ti mate plus un certainty must ac count for rules and reg u la tions de rived from the fun da men tal radioprotection prin ci ple which im poses the minimization of the im pact of ra di a tions upon hu mans and the en vi ron ment un der any cir cum stance. In the pres ent pa per, the key el e ments of the ap proach are iden ti fied and char ac ter ized. These shall be seen as the sup port for a con sis tent ap pli ca tion of ther mal-hy drau lics to the de sign and safety of wa ter-cooled nu clear re ac tors. Key words: best es ti mate, un cer tainty eval u a tion, best es ti mate plus un cer tainty, li cens ing pro cess, val i da tion, scal ing F. S. D'Auria, et al.: Best Es ti mate Plus Un cer tainty Ap proach in Nu clear Re ac tor .