Dental-implant overload can cause bone resorption. Load-transfer characteristics of dental implants are affected by their macro-design parameters. The goal of this study was to experimentally analyse the load-transfer characteristics of different dental implants, using polymethyl-methacrylate blocks. Three polymethyl-methacrylate blocks were created, with dimensions of (68 × 25 × 9) mm. Three dental implants, Nobel ø3.5 mm × 15 mm, Strauman ø4.1 mm × 10 mm and Strauman ø4.8 mm × 12 mm, were placed in separate blocks. The samples were supported by a three-point-bending set-up and loaded with an axial force of 600 N. The 3D digital image correlation method was employed for strain and displacement measurements. The highest displacement and von Mises strain values were found for Strauman ø4.1 mm × 10 mm (p < 0.05), 0.186 mm and 0.596 %, respectively. The sample of Nobel ø3.5 mm × 15 mm showed the lowest strain values. The sample of Strauman ø4.8 mm × 12 mm (p > 0.05) had similar strain values as Nobel ø3.5 mm × 15 mm. The load transfer during axial loading was primarily affected by the size of the implant contact surface. The displacement and strain values in the implant vicinity may provide an insight into the effect of dental-implant design on the load transfer. Keywords: dental implant, digital image correlation, polymethyl-methacrylate, load transfer Preobremenitev zobnih vsadkov lahko povzro~i resorpcijo kosti. Zaradi prenosa obremenitve je karakteristika zobnih vsadkov odvisna od njihovih mikroparametrov oblikovanja. Cilj predstavljene {tudije je bila eksperimentalna analiza karakteristik prenosa obremenitve razli~nih zobnih vsadkov z uporabo polimetil-metakrilatnih blokov. Avtorji so izdelali tri polimetil-metakrilatne bloke dimenzij (68 × 25 × 9) mm. Tri dentalne vsadke, Nobel ø3,5 × 15 mm, Strauman ø4,1 × 10 mm in Strauman ø4,8 × 12 mm, so namestili v posamezne bloke. Vzorce so nato podprli s trito~kovno upogibno napravo in jih obremenili z osno silo 600 N. Za merjenje deformacije in pomikov so uporabili 3D digitalno slikovno korelacijo. Najve~ji odmik in von Misesovo deformacijo so izmerili pri vsadku Strauman ø4,1 × 10 mm (p < 0,05), 0,186 mm in 0,596 %. Pri vzorcu Nobel ø3,5 × 15 mm so ugotovili najmanj{e deformacije. Vzorec Strauman ø4,8 × 12 mm (p > 0,05) je imel podobne vrednosti deformacije kot Nobel ø3,5 × 15 mm. Prenos obremenitve med osnim obremenjevanjem je bil odvisen predvsem od velikosti kontaktne povr{ine vsadka. Premiki in deformacije v bli`ini vsadkov lahko zagotavljajo vpogled v oblikovanje zobnih vsadkov glede na prenos obremenitve. Klju~ne besede: zobni vsadki, korelacija z digitalno sliko, polimetil-metakrilat, prenos obremenitve