DOI: 10.1007/s11242-009-9378-1
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Stress Generated During Drying of Saturated Porous Media

Abstract: The article is a contribution for the modelling of heat and mass transfers coupled to strain-stress equations during drying of deformable two-phase media. Both unidirectional and bidirectional configurations are examined. In order to compare the results, one assumes the material of a convectively dried clay slab in two configurations. Numerical calculations of the temperature, drying curves variations and the spatio-temporal distributions of moisture, temperature and drying induced stresses are evaluated. A si… Show more

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Cited by 24 publications
(10 citation statements)
References 23 publications
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“…The thermal and viscous deformations are also treated here as the eigenstrains applied to the phases of the poroelastic medium. Other eigenstrains can also be taken into consideration; these include drying and moisture induced stresses (Mihoubi and Bellagi, 2009), chemical degradation of the material caused by exposure to water containing sulfate ions (Bary, 2008), plastic deformations (Dvorak et al, 1994), loss or gain of mass and eigenstrains associated with the change in the molecular structure of the phases (melting, freezing).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The thermal and viscous deformations are also treated here as the eigenstrains applied to the phases of the poroelastic medium. Other eigenstrains can also be taken into consideration; these include drying and moisture induced stresses (Mihoubi and Bellagi, 2009), chemical degradation of the material caused by exposure to water containing sulfate ions (Bary, 2008), plastic deformations (Dvorak et al, 1994), loss or gain of mass and eigenstrains associated with the change in the molecular structure of the phases (melting, freezing).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The material properties of the product may change during drying. The added complexity of identification and considering of the material properties changes obliged a wide range of study to use constant parameters in the models dealing with drying . Indeed, most products cannot completely fit into simplified model and need complex model which takes into account the variation of material properties with moisture content and temperature.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…A large number of studies have been done on drying kinetic and drying induced stresses in 1D geometry, 2D geometry, and axisymmetric geometry . The motivation of the current study is to work with a 3D moist object using a drying model that enables simulation of not only the drying kinetics but also of mechanical stresses accompanying the drying; hence, overcoming problems mentioned earlier.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The identifi cation of the variation of mechanical properties of deformable media during dehydration is essential for further modelling investigation. For example, the Young's modulus is often taken as constant parameter in the models dealing with drying 2, 3 . Moreover, in the majority of drying models including shrinkage effects, the mechanical behaviour of materials is generally characterised by elastic behaviours…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%