A B S T R A C T The purpose of this paper is to present the effect of finite boundary on the stress intensity factor of an internal semi-elliptical crack in a pressurized finite-length thick-walled cylinder (R i /t = 4). The three-dimensional finite element method, in conjunction with the weight function method, is used for computing the stress intensity factor at the deepest and surface points of an axial semi-elliptical crack in a cylinder. The transition aspect ratios, the aspect ratios in which the maximum stress intensity factor translates from the deepest to the surface points of the crack, are calculated for different relative depths and cylinder lengths. The results show that the stress intensity factor increases as the cylinder length decreases, especially at the corner point of the crack compared with the deepest point. The major advantage of this paper is that a closed-form expression is extracted for the stress intensity factor at the surface point of a semi-elliptical crack, which experiences higher changes due to the effect of the finite boundary of the cylinder. a = crack depth c = half crack length a c = aspect ratio of the semi-elliptical crack a t = crack relative depth F 0 , F 1 = boundary correction factors at the surface point G = length correction factor K = stress intensity factor L Ri = ratio of the length to the radius of the cylinder P = internal pressure Q = semi-elliptical crack shape factor R i = inner radius of cylinder R o = outer radius of cylinder t = thickness of cylinder δ(r) = displacement normal to the crack plane μ = shear modulus of the material ν = Poisson's ratio