Keywords:Three-dimensional elastic matrix Interacting rigid-disc inclusion and pennyshaped crack Time-harmonic wave incidence Dynamic stress intensity factors Boundary integral equation method a b s t r a c t Influence of a rigid-disc massive inclusion on a neighboring penny-shaped crack induced by the time-harmonic wave propagation in an infinite elastic matrix is investigated by the numerical solution of associated 3D elastodynamic problem. No restrictions on the mutual orientation of interacting objects and direction of wave incidence are assumed. The inclusion is perfectly bonded with a matrix and supposes the translations and rotations, the crack faces are load-free. Frequency-domain problem is reduced to a system of boundary integral equations (BIEs) relative to the interfacial stress jumps (ISJs) on the inclusion and the crack opening displacements (CODs). The subtraction technique in conjunction with mapping technique, under taking into account the structure of solution at the fronts of inclusion and crack, is applied for regularization of BIEs obtained. A discrete analogue of equations is constructed by using the collocation scheme. Numerical calculations are carried out for the grazing incidence of a plane P-wave on the crack, where the interacting inclusion is coplanar and perpendicular to the crack, and has the same radius. The shielding and amplification effects of inclusion are assessed by the analysis of mode-I stress intensity factor (SIF) in the crack vicinity depending on the wave number, incident wave direction, position of the crack front point, inclusion mass, crack-inclusion orientation and distance.