“…First, BD is a heterogeneous condition, and inclusion criteria have varied across studies. Some researchers included only participants with a diagnosis of BD I (Ambelas, 1979, 1987; Beyer et al, 2008; Dienes et al, 2006; Dunner et al, 1979; Glassner & Haldipur, 1983; Glassner et al, 1979; Hammen & Gitlin, 1997; Hlastala et al, 2000; Kennedy, 1983), whereas others included BD II participants (Bidzinska, 1984; Ehnvall & Ågren, 2002; Johnson et al, 2000a; Swendsen et al, 1995). In some cases, researchers excluded rapid cyclers (Ambelas, 1979; Hlastala et al, 2000) or those with “too many episodes to count” (Dienes et al, 2006).…”