The first self-consistent, three-dimensional analysis of plasma cloud evolution in the ionosphere is presented. It is demonstrated that there is a preferred perpendicular scale size associated with 3D plasma clouds given by r c~-c(T e + Ti)/eB z V n r C y where r c is the cloud radius, T a is the temperature of the a species, B z is the ambient magnetic field, V" is the neutral wind speed, and T c < 1/V2. PACS numbers: 94.20.Vv For more than two decades, the evolution of artificial plasma clouds in the near-earth space environment has been of interest to space physicists. Research in this area continues to be exciting and vigorous, especially in light of the recent Active Magnetospheric Particle Tracer Explorer mission 1 and the upcoming Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite mission. 2 Originally it was thought that artificial clouds would simply be a diagnostic of ambient plasma conditions; it was soon discovered that they do not simply convect because of ambient fields or winds, but, for example, can become unstable and rapidly structure. The mechanism which causes the structuring of ionospheric clouds is the ExB gradient drift instability. 3 This instability has been extensively studied both theoretically 4-9 and computationally. 10 " 14 Although a considerable amount of research has been carried out on this instability, there are several deficiencies with regard to its application to ionospheric plasma clouds. First, the bulk of theoretical analysis has focused on the short-wavelength limit (i.e., kL » 1 where k is the wave number and L is the density-gradient scale length associated with the cloud boundary). However, observationally the gross structuring of barium clouds is clearly in the long-wavelength regime 11 (i.e., kL _ T e fin dz ne bz = 0, -V x -/iV ± 0 + Z)j. / Vi/! + -zxV,,-V/i + -^-1 B n, £1/ dz er\ e d _ T e dn dz ne dz =0,(2) where /;<, = =m e v /7ze 2 is the parallel resistivity, v e -v e i + v ...