There is considerable interest, from both experimental and theoretical perspectives, in molecules incorporating multiple bonds between main group elements. Herein, we not only consider the parent molecules HE=EH (E=As, Sb, Bi), but also a number of their isomers. For each E2H2 molecule, a number of different structures were optimized with four different DFT methods. Final structures were determined with the coupled cluster method CCSD(T) using large basis sets, namely cc‐pVQZ‐PP, incorporating relativistic psuedopotentials. All feasible dissociation pathways are examined. For all three E2H2 molecules the trans isomer lies lowest in energy, with the cis isomer higher by 2.7 (As), 2.1 (Sb), and 1.8 (Bi) kcal mol−1, respectively. However, both cis and trans structures should be observable, as large barriers (27.7, 20.5, and 17.7 kcal mol−1) separate them. For both the cis and trans structures, in the infrared the strong E‐H stretching frequencies should also be observable. Only the cis structures have dipole moments (0.62, 0.01, and 0.83 debye, respectively), and their observation by microwave spectroscopy would be stunning. Also considered were the higher energy vinylidene‐like, pyramidal, monobridged, and linear structures. We conclude that molecules such as HSb=SbH‐Fe(CO)4, HBi=BiH‐Fe(CO)4, and related systems, should be feasible synthetic targets.