If the Peccei-Quinn symmetry is already broken during inflation, the decay constant F a of the axion can be in a wide region from 10 11 GeV to 10 18 GeV for the axion being the dominant dark matter. In this case, however, the axion causes the serious cosmological problem, isocurvature perturbation problem, which severely constrains the Hubble parameter during inflation. To avoid this problem, Peccei-Quinn scalar field must take a large value ∼ M p (Planck scale) during inflation. In this letter, we point out that the allowed region of the decay constant F a is reduced to a rather narrow region for a given tensor-to-scalar ratio r when Peccei-Quinn scalar field takes ∼ M p during inflation. For example, if the ratio r is determined as r 10 −3 in future measurements, we can predict F a (0.1 − 1.4) × 10 12 GeV for domain wall number N DW = 6.