We suggest that the perturbative and non-perturbative descriptions of the Pomeron can be viewed as complementary descriptions of different phases in the Pomeron phase diagram, with a phase boundary where the proper description of the produced systems are "string balls". Their intrinsic entropy is calculated and turned out to be the same, as the recently reported perturbative entanglement entropy. The distribution of large multiplicities stemming from the string balls is also wide, with its moments close to those reported for hadrons in pp collisions at the LHC. At low-x, the quantum string is so entangled that sufficiently weak string self-attraction can cause it to turn to a string ball dual to a black hole. We suggest that low-x saturation occurs when the density of wee-strings reaches the Bekenstein bound, with a proton size that freezes with increasing rapidity. Some of these observations maybe checked at the future eIC.