Let G be a finitely generated pro-p group, equipped with the ppower series P : G i = G p i , i ∈ N 0 . The associated metric and Hausdorff dimension function hdim P G :, the Hausdorff spectrum of closed subgroups of G. In the case where G is p-adic analytic, the Hausdorff dimension function is well understood; in particular, hspec P (G) consists of finitely many rational numbers closely linked to the analytic dimensions of subgroups of G.Conversely, it is a long-standing open question whether |hspec P (G)| < ∞ implies that G is p-adic analytic. We prove that the answer is yes, in a strong sense, under the extra condition that G is soluble.Furthermore, we explore the problem and related questions also for other filtration series, such as the lower p-series, the Frattini series, the modular dimension subgroup series and quite general filtration series. For instance, we prove, for p > 2, that every countably based pro-p group G with an open subgroup mapping onto Z p ⊕ Z p admits a filtration series S such that hspec S (G) contains an infinite real interval.