In this paper we explore the isotropic stable motivic homotopy category constructed from the usual stable motivic homotopy category, following the work of Vishik on isotropic motives (see [26]), by killing anisotropic varieties. In particular, we focus on cohomology operations in the isotropic realm and study the structure of the isotropic Steenrod algebra. Then, we construct an isotropic version of the motivic Adams spectral sequence and apply it to find a complete description of the isotropic stable homotopy groups of the sphere spectrum, which happen to be isomorphic to the Ext-groups of the topological Steenrod algebra. At the end, we will see that this isomorphism is not only additive but respects higher products, completely identifying, as rings with higher structure, the cohomology of the classical Steenrod algebra with isotropic stable homotopy groups of spheres.