Designing coupled vibrational-cavity polariton systems modify chemical reaction rates and paths requires an understanding of how this coupling depends on system parameters (i.e. absorber strength, modal distribution, and vibrational absorber and cavity linewidths). Here, we evaluate the impact of absorption coefficient and cavity design on normal mode coupling between a FabryPérot cavity and a molecular vibration. For a vibrational band of urethane in a polymer matrix, the coupling strength increases with its concentration so that the system spans the weak and strong coupling regimes. The experimentally-determined Rabi splitting values are in excellent agreement with an analytical expression derived for classical coupled oscillators that includes no fitting parameters. Also, the cavity mode profile is altered through choice of mirror type with metal mirrors resulting in stronger confinement, and thus coupling, while dielectric stack mirrors provide higher transmission for a given cavity quality factor, and decreased coupling due to greater mode penetration into the dielectric mirror. In addition to polymers, the cavities can couple to molecular vibrational bands of dissolved species in solution, which greatly expands the range of systems that can be explored. Finally, longer pathlength cavities are used to demonstrate the pathlength-independence of the coupling strength. The ability to adjust the cavity linewidth, through the use of higher order modes, represents a route to match the cavity dephasing time to that of the molecular vibration and may be applied to a range of molecular systems. Understanding the roles of cavity design and validating empirical and analytical descriptions of absorber properties on coupling strength will facilitate application of these strong coupling effects to enable currently unreachable chemistries.Coupling between an optically-driven material excitation (e.g., a semiconductor quantum dot excitonic absorption) and a confined optical-mode (e.g., an optical microcavity) can drastically alter the behavior of both modes. Strong coupling, which occurs when the two modes are in resonance and the interaction between the two exceeds the damping rate, produces two hybridized states whose fundamental character is a quantum-mechanical superposition of the two original modes. Each of these mixed-character eigenstates is shifted from the original resonant frequency by half the Rabi splitting, Ω. 1 Such coupled systems are variously referred to as cavity polaritons, 2 coupled normal modes, 1 plexcitons 3 , or simply coupled normal modes. If the system consists of a single quantum oscillator (twolevel atom, single quantum dot, etc.) interacting with a single cavity photon, nonlinear effects such as photon blocking and climbing of the Jaynes-Cummings ladder may occur. The splitting in such a system is referred to as vacuum Rabi splitting 1,4,5 as opposed to simply Rabi or polariton splitting associated with ensembles of individual oscillators, as described herein. Relaxation lifetimes, 6,7 linewidt...