Abstract. We consider crossed product II 1 factors M = N ⋊ σ G, with G discrete ICC groups that contain infinite normal subgroups with the relative property (T) and σ trace preserving actions of G on finite von Neumann algebras N that are "malleable" and mixing. Examples are the actions of G by Bernoulli shifts (classical and non-classical), and by Bogoliubov shifts. We prove a rigidity result for isomorphisms of such factors, showing the uniqueness, up to unitary conjugacy, of the position of the group von Neumann algebra L(G) inside M. We use this result to calculate the fundamental group of M, F (M), in terms of the weights of the shift σ,
Introduction.This is the first of a series of papers in which we study rigidity properties of isomorphisms θ of crossed product II 1 factors M 0 , M arising from certain actions of groups on finite von Neumann algebras. We also study isomorphisms between amplifications of such factors. Typically, we assume the "source" factor M 0 comes from an action of a group G 0 having a large subgroup H ⊂ G 0 with the relative property (T) of Kazhdan-Margulis (G 0 is w-rigid), while the "target" factor M comes from an action (σ, G) with good "deformation+mixing" properties (a malleable action), e.g. an action by Bogoliubov or Bernoulli shifts (classical and non-classical). The "ideal" type of result we seek to prove, is that any isomorphism