Theoretical and experimental data array confirmTheoretical and experimental data array confirming the possibility of occurrence of bonding interactions in a ing the possibility of occurrence of bonding interactions in a crystal between like-charged species, namely anions, that crystal between like-charged species, namely anions, that contribute significantly to the crystal packing formation is contribute significantly to the crystal packing formation is analyzed. The main types of anion ± anion interactions, analyzed. The main types of anion ± anion interactions, their strength and contribution to the stabilization of ionic their strength and contribution to the stabilization of ionic crystals are systematically analyzed for a wide range of crystals are systematically analyzed for a wide range of organic and inorganic salts. The potential of various theoorganic and inorganic salts. The potential of various theoretical and experimental methods of investigations aimed at retical and experimental methods of investigations aimed at detection of anion ± anion interactions and estimation of detection of anion ± anion interactions and estimation of their energy is discussed. The bibliography includes their energy is discussed. The bibliography includes 142 references 142 references. .