The principles employed
in parallel NMR and MRI are applied to
NMR supersequences yielding as many as ten 2D NMR spectra in one measurement.
We present a number of examples where two NOAH (NMR by Ordered Acquisition
using 1H-detection) supersequences are recorded in parallel,
thus dramatically increasing the information content obtained in a
single NMR experiment. The two parallel supersequences entangled by
time-sharing schemes (IPAP-seHSQC, HSQC-COSY, and HSQC-TOCSY) incorporate
also modified (sequential and/or interleaved) conventional pulse schemes
(modules), including HMBC, TOCSY, COSY, CLIP-COSY, NOESY, and ROESY.
Such parallel supersequences can be tailored for specific applications,
for instance, the analysis and characterization of molecular structure
of complex organic molecules from a single measurement. In particular,
the CASPER software was used to establish the structure of a tetrasaccharide,
β-LNnTOMe, with a high degree of confidence from a single measurement
involving a parallel NOAH-5 supersequence.