The vast majority of human protein-coding genes are subject to alternative splicing, which allows the generation of more than one protein isoform from a single gene. Cells can change alternative splicing patterns in response to a signal, which creates protein variants with different biological properties. The selection of alternative splice sites is governed by the dynamic formation of protein complexes on the processed pre-mRNA. A unique set of these splicing regulatory proteins assembles on different pre-mRNAs, generating a "splicing" or "messenger ribonucleoprotein code" that determines exon recognition. By influencing protein/protein and protein/RNA interactions, reversible protein phosphorylation modulates the assembly of regulatory proteins on pre-mRNA and therefore contributes to the splicing code. Studies of the serine/arginine-rich protein class of regulators identified different kinases and protein phosphatase 1 as the molecules that control reversible phosphorylation, which controls not only splice site selection, but also the localization of serine/arginine-rich proteins and mRNA export. The involvement of protein phosphatase 1 explains why second messengers like cAMP and ceramide that control the activity of this phosphatase influence alternative splicing. The emerging mechanistic links between splicing regulatory proteins and known signal transduction pathways now allow in detail the understanding how cellular signals modulate gene expression by influencing alternative splicing. This knowledge can be applied to human diseases that are caused by the selection of wrong splice sites.
Regulation of Splice Site SelectionMost protein-coding genes contain introns that are removed in the nucleus by RNA splicing during pre-mRNA processing. Parts of the pre-mRNA can be either included or excluded in the mature mRNA, which is achieved by alternative splicing.This process is much more widely used than previously thought and was recently estimated to affect between 74 and 88% of human genes (1, 2), but the exact number still needs to be determined. Because most alternative exons encode protein modules, their alternate use allows multiple proteins to be generated from a single gene, which increases the coding potential of the genome. Alternative splicing generates protein isoforms with different biological properties, such as a change in protein/ protein interaction, subcellular localization, or catalytic ability (3). More than one quarter of alternative exons introduce premature stop codons in their mRNAs. This can result either in the formation of truncated proteins or in the degradation of the mRNA by nonsense-mediated decay. Recent array analyses indicate that, although frequently found, alternative exons with premature stop codons appear to be generally present only in low abundance, which questions their role as a general shutoff mechanism for protein production (4, 5).Splice site recognition and pre-mRNA splicing are dynamic processes that involve constant remodeling of proteins and ribonuclear protein pa...