Poor small fishing communities in rural areas are always faced with a detrimental marketing system trap for marine fish catches. This study aims to reveal the characteristics of fishermen's poverty (poverty depth and severity index), detrimental marketing systems in poor fishing communities, the factors that determine them, and to build a qualitative model of an integrated (mutually beneficial) marketing system to reduce fishermen’s poverty in rural areas. This research is a case study by setting the North Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu Province, as the sample location. Data collection is done by interview, focus group discussion, observation, and documentation. The results showed that fishermen's poverty's depth and severity index in the sample villages were 0.645 and 0.257 (both of which had quite high scores). Quantitative analysis shows that the depth and severity of fishermen's poverty are determined by the quality of the marketing system (detrimental or profitable) and the quality of capital (captures facilities). Qualitative analysis shows that fishermen's poverty is determined by the cooperation factor, the role of cooperative institutions, the role of the government, and the role of universities. The qualitative model that can be built is an integrated marketing system model (improvement of a detrimental marketing system to be profitable for fishing communities).