An experimental design was used to study the effect of pre-drying (to 10, 15 and 20% weight loss) and par-frying conditions (160, 170 and 180 • C) on the crispness of French fries. Par-frying time was adjusted with a software program to obtain equal moisture content and internal texture for all samples. Crispness was evaluated with a sensory panel. Furthermore, samples were analysed with a texture analyser and with confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). Parfrying at 180 • C resulted in a crispier product than at 160 and 170 • C. Pre-drying to 20% weight loss lead to blisters and reduced crispness in comparison with pre-drying to 10 and 15% weight loss. Instrumental texture measurements showed a good correlation with sensory crispness. Large differences in cell structure, such as blisters, could be observed with CSLM. CSLM was useful to explain results from the instrumental and sensory texture evaluation.