Starch is abundant in nature and easy to obtain. Many of its unique physical and chemical properties are widely used in food and other industries (Azeh et al., 2018;Singh et al., 2003). However, most of the native starch itself does not have the properties of being directly utilized. After modification, the starch properties are improved to meet the requirements of multilevel processing (Haq et al., 2019;Kaur et al., 2012). Starch is a storage polysaccharide and one of the main components of corn. It is about 65%~75% in corn and is subject to changes in climate and other factors. High starch content, high yield, and low price make corn one of the main sources of industrial starch (Fernandes et al., 2018;Liu et al., 2014). The physicochemical properties of starch are closely related to the quality of its products (Chandla et al., 2017;Punia et al., 2019). Gelatinization is one of the important properties of starch. When starch granules are mixed with water, the starch granules swell during heating, and the starch crystal structure is broken (Lavoisier & Aguilera, 2019;Wang et al., 2017). Aging, also known as starch rejuvenation, is the main reason for the decline in quality during storage of starch-containing products (Azizi et al., 2019;Jiamjariyatam et al., 2015). In addition, molecular characteristics and digestion properties of starch determine the functional properties of starch from different sources