Our aim was to evaluate immunomodulatory properties of an original bioflavonoid complex in experimental immune disturbances induced by cyclophosphamide (Cy). We have studied morphometric indexes of thymus and spleen, as well as blood leukocyte counts, cell proliferative activity in lymphoid organs, delayed hypersensitivity responses to T cell-dependent antigen, along with differentiation activity of bone marrow stem cells in experimental animals during Cy-induced immune suppression after a course of bioflavonoid treatment. Suspension of the bioflafonoid complex was introduced to the male mice (СВАхC57Bl/6)F1 aged 12- 14 weeks at a daily dose of 2 mg/animal (80 mg/kg), per os, using gastric catheter, over 14 days. Cytostatic immunosuppression was produced by a single intraperitoneal Cy injection. Proliferative activity of spleen and thymic cells was determined by standard method with Н3 -thymidine incorporation in the 72-h cell culture. Cellular immune response was assayed by the degree of delayed-type hypersensitivity development in response to sheep erythrocytes. The number of hematopoietic progenitors was evaluated by culturing bone marrow cells in methylcellulose-based medium. The experiments have shown mitigation of immunosuppressive effects induced by Cy, in the course of bioflavonoid complex treatment, with respect to absolute and relative mass of lymphoid organs and leukocyte numbers in peripheral blood. Moreover, we have demonstrated decreased effects of Cy treatment upon the spontaneous activity of spleen cells, mitogen-induced thymocyte and splenocyte proliferation, intensivity of delayed-type hypersensitivity response that reached the values of intact animals. Following the course of bioflavonoids, we have revealed an increase in early hematopoietic progenitors. Alleviation of Cy-induced suppressive effects upon cellular immune response, proliferation rates of immune cells, as well as stimulation of hematopoietic stem cell functions suggest a sufficient capacity of the original bioflavonoid complex for modulation of immunity and hematopoiesis, thus presenting experimental proofs for its potential usage as an adjuvant treatment of the patients with malignant diseases.