Certain bird species
have evolved spectacular colors that arise
from organized nanostructures of melanin. Its high refractive index
(∼1.8) and broadband absorptive properties enable vivid structural
colors that are nonsusceptible to photobleaching. Mimicking natural
melanin structural coloration could enable several important applications,
in particular, for noniridescent systems with colors that are independent
of incidence angle. Here, we address this by forming melanin photonic
crystal microdomes by inkjet printing. Owing to their curved nature,
the microdomes exhibit noniridescent vivid structural coloration,
tunable throughout the visible range via the size of the nanoparticles.
Large-area arrays (>1 cm
) of high-quality photonic
could be printed on both rigid and flexible substrates. Combined with
scalable fabrication and the nontoxicity of melanin, the presented
photonic microdomes with noniridescent structural coloration may find
use in a variety of applications, including sensing, displays, and
anticounterfeit holograms.