“…As noted in chapter two, there has been considerable research on countemrbanisation in Australia including major contributions by Hugo (1987dHugo ( , 1988cHugo ( , 1989Hugo and Smailes 1986 and Jarvie (1981Jarvie ( , 1982Jarvie ( , 1985Jarvie ( , 1989aJarvie ( , 1989bJarvie and Browett 1980) and numerous case studies of specific areas (see for example Bell 1980, Birtles 1990, Bumley 1988, Hugo & Smailes 1985, Smailes and Hugo 1985, Weinand and Lea 1990. Recent work has shown that, after accelerating during the late 1970s, the pace of countemrbanisation slowed over the 1981-86 intercensal period (Hugo 1989) and that the pattems became more spatially concentrated (Hugo & Smailes 1992).…”