In order to describe the polarization response of an ensemble of molecules undergoing structural transformations (photoisomerization) under collisionless conditions, we have calculated the orientational correlation functions. We assume that changes in molecular structure can be considered as instantaneous on the molecular rotation scale. We have obtained general expressions for the anisotropy when the original molecule and the photoisomer are asymmetric tops. We have performed anisotropy calculations for steady-state experimental conditions and a number of limiting situations, when the characteristic times of the photoreaction are much shorter or much longer than the molecular reorientation times and when the original molecule and the photoisomer are planar tops. We have shown that detecting the polarization response allows us to estimate the characteristic times of the photoreaction and to determine the intramolecular orientation of the transition dipole moments for transitions with absorption and emission of light.Introduction. The well-known phenomenon of photoinduced change in molecular configuration for relatively small molecules having resolved rotational structure in the spectra has been actively studied by molecular IR and Raman spectroscopy. The effect of impurity gases and solvent on the rate of the photoisomerization process for polyatomic molecules has been studied in many theoretical and experimental papers (see, for example, [1][2][3][4]). In this case, most studies deal with the rate constants, the lifetimes of the molecules in certain metastable states, and energy redistribution. With the appearance of femtosecond polarization spectroscopy, it has proven to be possible to study the vector characteristics of the process of rearrangement of polyatomic molecules even under collisionless conditions. For example, in real-time polarization experiments with femtosecond resolution, orientational relaxation of alignment has been studied for trans-stilbene molecules in the gas phase in the absence of collisions [5] and in solutions [6].In describing anisotropy relaxation in molecular ensembles, in the spectroscopic experiment usually this process is interpreted within the formalism of orientational correlation functions [7], and in most cases these correlation functions are calculated assuming rigid molecular tops. There are many papers devoted to ab initio classical, quasiclassical, and quantum calculations of the dynamics for small molecules with 2-5 atoms [8]. Studies of polyatomic molecules have been limited to only those types of flexibility which do not change the shape of the molecule (for example, the molecule is modeled by two symmetric tops rotating about a common axis [9]) or independence of the motions is assumed (for example, rotation of the molecule as a whole plus internal rotation [10]), or the problem is effectively reduced to a one-dimensional problem (the "reaction coordinate" is identified, and the flexibility is treated as a process involving transition between several metastable equili...