We study a Large-Dimensional Non-Stationary Dynamic Factor Model where (1) the factors F t are I(1) and singular, that is F t has dimension r and is driven by q dynamic shocks with q < r, (2) the idiosyncratic components are either I(0) or I(1). Under these assumption the factors F t are cointegrated and modeled by a singular Error Correction Model. We provide conditions for consistent estimation, as both the cross-sectional size n, and the time dimension T , go to infinity, of the factors, the loadings, the shocks, the ECM coefficients and therefore the Impulse Response Functions. Finally, the numerical properties of our estimator are explored by means of a MonteCarlo exercise and of a real-data application, in which we study the effects of monetary policy and supply shocks on the US economy. JEL subject classification: C0, C01, E0.