AbstractÐThis work presents a symbolic approach for the analysis of bounded Petri nets. The structure and behavior of the Petri net is symbolically modeled by using Boolean functions, thus reducing reasoning about Petri nets to Boolean calculation. The set of reachable markings is calculated by symbolically firing the transitions in the Petri net. Highly concurrent systems suffer from the state explosion problem produced by an exponential increase of the number of reachable states. This state explosion is handled by using Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) which are capable of representing large sets of markings with small data structures. Petri nets have the ability to model a large variety of systems and the flexibility to describe causality, concurrency, and conditional relations. The manipulation of vast state spaces generated by Petri nets enables the efficient analysis of a wide range of problems, e.g., deadlock freeness, liveness, and concurrency. A number of examples are presented in order to show how large reachability sets can be generated, represented, and analyzed with moderate BDD sizes. By using this symbolic framework, properties requiring an exhaustive analysis of the reachability graph can be efficiently verified.