783Over many years, heteropoly compounds (HPCs) have been of scientific interest for a number of researchers in the fields of chemistry, physics, and bio chemistry [1]. HPCs are a class of coordination com pounds that are unique and interesting in theoretical terms. Polymer species of oxo compounds of tung sten, molybdenum, vanadium, and niobium act as ligands in HPCs; about 50 elements of the Periodic Table can act as central atoms [2, 3]. Island like struc tures, high symmetries of discrete polyatomic het eropolyanions (HPAs), high surface areas, and rela tively low negative charges provide for unique physic ochemical properties of HPCs [4, 5]. Among these compounds, ammonium and sodium decavanadates [6], as well as synthetic analogues of pascoite (Ca 3 V 10 O 28 ⋅ 16H 2 O) and hummerite (K 2 Mg 2 V 10 O 28 ⋅ 16H 2 O) minerals of composition A 2 B 2 V 10 O 28 ⋅ nH 2 O, where A = NH 4 , Na, K; B = Ca, Mg [7], have been best studied. This work was devoted to the synthesis, X ray crys tallography, and TGA of hexahydrogen dodecavana date of composition [NH 3 ⋅ H 2 О] 6 ⋅ H 6 [Cа 4 V 12 O 40 ] ⋅ 6H 2 O (I). EXPERIMENTAL Compound I was synthesized in a flask with a back flow condenser at 90-95°С for 5 h under constant stir ring. To a hot ammonium vanadate solution (60°С), was added calcium nitrate solution (in the ratio 3 : 1). Following the cooling procedure, the solution was placed into a desiccator. Dark brown crystals of I pre cipitated in several days. The chemical composition of compound I was determined by mass spectrometry. For [NH 3 · H 2 O] 6 · H 6 [Ca 4 V 12 O 12 ] · 6H 2 O anal. calcd. (wt %): N, 4.92; Ca, 9.38; V, 35.32; O, 48.38. Found (wt %): N, 4.83; Ca, 9.21; V, 35.25; O, 47.92.X ray crystallography of compound I was carried out on an Enraf Nonius CAD 4 automatic diffracto meter (MoK α radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å) at room tem perature. The crystallographic data and structure refinement details are listed in Table 1. After direct determination of the structure, it was refined using the least squares procedure with respect to F 2 in the aniso tropic (anisotropic for hydrogen atoms) approxima tion using the SHELX 97 software package. Selected bond lengths and bond angles are listed in Table 2.Atom coordinates and other structural parameters were deposited with the FIZ Karlsruhe (no. 423107; http://www.fiz karlsruhe.de/icsd.html).TGA of compound I was carried out on a Paulik Paulik Erdey instrument within the 20-1000°С range at a heating rate of 10 K/min; thes ampel size was 10 mg weight portions; calcined alumina was the ref erence.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe structure of I consists of a discrete complex HPA Н 6 [Cа 4 V 12 O 40 ] 6-, six hydrated ammonium cat ions (NH 3 ⋅ H 2 О) + , and six crystal water molecules.The HPA [Cа 4 V 12 O 40 ] 12- (Fig. 1) is based on 12 dis torted VO 6 vanadium-oxygen octahedra and four CaO metal-oxygen octahedra. Vanadium atoms are displaced from the equatorial planes of their octahedra towards the terminal O(4) atoms. Each VO 6 octahe dron comprises one terminal atom O(4); i...