We report on the realisation of red micro cavity LED's on germanium substrates, offering a significant cost advantage compared to GaAs wafers. The MCLED structure, grown by LP-MOVPE, consists of 3 GaInP quantum wells within a (detuned) l-X AlGaInP cavity, enclosed by A195GaAs/A155GaAs DBR's, with a current spreading layer on top. MCLED's with a 2OOj.m aperture, exhibit a quantum efficiency up to 4.35% (at lOniA) and an optical power higher than 4mW (at 8OmA), without any packaging. The optical spectrum was centered at 650nm, with a FWHM of Because of the detuning the opening angle ofthese structures was as much as 120°. Rudimentary packaging resulted in a luminous intensity of 2.5cd at 3OmA, with an opening angle of Initially the electrical performance was not optimal, but additional tests and a new processing have indicated that forward biases as low as 2.OV (at 2OmA) can be obtained for LED's on Gesubstrates. The new processing further resulted in an improved optical output with 5mW at 8OmA. We feel there is room for further improvement, but already we have demonstrated the feasibility of germanium substrates for commercial red (to orange/yellow) LED applications.