Analysis of differentially radiolabelled avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) indicated that the matrix (M) polypeptides of tool. wt. 23 × 103 (23K), 26K, 28K, 30K and 34K (M23 to M34) which have been shown to give the same peptide maps, differed in their degree of glycosylation; M23 was not glycos'ylated while glycosylation increased with increasing mol. wt. from M26 to M34. Both glucosaminc and mannose were components of M26 to M34 but [3 H]fucose appeared to be associated mainly with M34. Endo-/~-N-acetylglucosaminidase H removed oligosaccharides from M28 and M30 but not M26 and M34, to give a polypeptide of 23K. The surface projection glycopolypeptides SI (90K) and $2 (84K) incorporated 3H-labelled glucosamine and mannosc but not fucose and had oligosaccharides removed by endoglycosidase H. The tool. wt. of the resultant polypeptides varied among experiments; the lowest mol. wt. observed were 64K and 61K. These results indicate (i) that the polypeptide moieties of the S polypcptides are approximately 64K and 61 K, and 23K for the M polypeptide, (ii) that the oligosaccharides of the S and M polypeptides are of the high-mannose type and are linked to the polypeptides by N-glycosidic linkages, and (iii) that the M glycoprotein of IBV differs from that of murinc coronaviruscs and bovine coronavirus L9 which have O-linked oligosaccharides. Avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) appears to have three protein structural elements: surface projections (S), a nucleocapsid (N) protein and a matrix/membrane (M) protein (Cavanagh, 1981). Two of these, S and M, are glycosylated (Cavanagh, 1981; Lomniczi & Morser, 1981 ; Wadey & Westaway, 1981 ; Stern et al., 1982). My studies of IBV have indicated that the surface projections are associated with two glycopolypeptides, S1 (90K; K = 1000 daltons) and $2 (84K), and that the M protein was associated with two glycopolypeptides of 30K and 28K (Cavanagh, 1981); SI had previously been assigned a mol. wt. of 94K. Stern et al., (1982) have shown that several polypeptides of IBV, analogous to polypeptides of 34K, 30K/28K, 26K and 23K (M34 to M23) in our studies, all have the same peptide maps. Little is known about the oligosaccharides of the S and M polypeptides. In contrast, it is known from studies with tunicamycin, that the S (or E2) polypeptide(s) of murine and bovine L9 coronaviruses have N-glycosidicaUy linked oligosaccharides while the M (or E 1) glycoprotein has O-glycosidically linked oligosaccharides (Niemann & Klenk, 1981; Holmes et al., 1981; Rottier et al., 1981 ; Siddell et al., 1981 a; Cheley & Anderson, 1981). The glycosylation of the IBV glycopolypeptides has been studied to determine the nature of their oligosaccharides and the mol. wt. of their polypeptide moieties. Working stocks of IBV-M41 and IBV-D41 (Darbyshire et al., 1979) were prepared in embryonated chicken eggs (Cavanagh, 1981). Virus was radiolabelled in pairs of de-embryonated chicken eggs (Cavanagh, 1981). Each egg received 125 ktCi [35S]methionine (sp. act. > 800 Ci/mmol) and one of the following...