Artificial PbTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattices were constructed using off-axis RF magnetron sputtering. X-ray diffraction and piezoelectric atomic force microscopy were used to study the evolution of the ferroelectric polarization as the ratio of PbTiO3 to SrTiO3 was changed. For PbTiO3 layer thicknesses larger than the 3-unit cells SrTiO3 thickness used in the structure, the polarization is found to be reduced as the PbTiO3 thickness is decreased. This observation confirms the primary role of the depolarization field in the polarization reduction in thin films. For the samples with ratios of PbTiO3 to SrTiO3 of less than one a surprising recovery of ferroelectricity that cannot be explained by electrostatic considerations was observed.The construction of artificial ferroelectric oxide superlattices with fine periodicity presents exciting possibilities for the development of new materials with extraordinary properties and furthermore is an ideal probe for understanding the fundamental physics of ferroelectric materials.The most studied system at present is BaTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] In BaTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 , first principles studies [5] suggest that both the SrTiO 3 and BaTiO 3 layers are polarized such that the polarization is approximately uniform throughout the superlattice. The driving force behind this is the large electrostatic energy penalty for a buildup of charge at the interface caused by discontinuous polarization in the normal direction. The electrostatic model proposed by Neaton and Rabe [5] to explain their first principles results for BaTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 superlattices is very similar to the electrostatic model applied to calculate the effect of the depolarization field in ultra-thin ferroelectric films with realistic electrodes [18,19,20]. Experimentally it was recently shown that the reduced polarization observed in monodomain thin PbTiO 3 can be explained by the presence of a depolarization field resulting from imperfect screening of the polarization [21]. Recent work also suggests that, under certain conditions, the electrostatic energy due to depolarization fields will drive the system to form domains as observed by Fong et al. [23] and Nagarajan et al. [24]. In this letter we use PbTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 superlattices to probe the effect of a reduced ferroelectric thickness in a dielectric environment. Our data show that the behaviour observed in PbTiO 3 thin films is reproduced for PbTiO 3 layers thicker than three unit cells. However, for thinner ferroelectric layers a surprising recovery of ferroelectricity that cannot be explained by electrostatic considerations was observed.The superlattices of PbTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 were prepared on conducting 0.5% Nb doped (001) SrTiO 3 substrates using off-axis RF magnetron sputtering with conditions similar to those used for growing high quality epitaxial c-axis PbTiO 3 thin films [21]. For all the samples discussed in this paper, the SrTiO 3 thickness was fixed at three unit cells (about 12Å). At room temperature the in-plane lattice parameters of tetragonal ferroelec...