. Can. J. Chem. 68, 64 (1990).Condensation of equirnolar amounts of salicylaldehyde, N-hydroxypiperidine, and phenylboronic acid yields the title compound. Crystalsof 8,8-pentarnethylene-6-phenyl-6,9-epoxy-5,7-dioxa-8-azonia-6-borata-6,7,8,9-tetrahydro-5H-benzocycloheptenearemonoclinic, a = 12.773(1), b = 11.9600(7), c = 10.641 1(6)A, P = 103.786(7)", Z = 4, spacegroup P 2 , / c . The structure was solved by direct methods and was refined by full-matrix least-squares procedures to R = 0.039 and R,, = 0.047 for 2420 reflections with I ? 3u(1). The compound has a bridged heterocyclic B,N-betaine structure with a PhB(OR)3 anionic centre. Bond lengths (corrected for libration) include: B-O(aryl C) = 1.481(2), B-O(alky1 C) = 1.488(2), B-O(N) = 1.539(2), and B-C = 1.591(2) A. Key words: organoboron, boron compounds, crystal structure. 64 (1990).La condensation de quantitks CquirnolCculaires de salicylaldChyde, de N-hydroxypiperidine et d'acide phtnylboronique fournit le compose mentionnC dans le titre. Les cristaux du 8,8-pentarn~thylkne-6-phCnyl-6,9-Cpoxy-5,7-dioxa-8-azonia-6-borata-6,7,8,9-tetrahydro-5H-benzocycloheptene sont rnonocliniques, groupe d'espace P 2 , / c , avec a = 12,773(1), b = 1 1,9600 (7)
IntroductionThe reaction of equimolar amounts of salicylaldehyde, N-hydroxypiperidine, and phenylboronic acid leads to a 1 : 1 : 1 condensation product, the elemental analysis of which shows that 2 mole equivalents of water have been eliminated. This is consistent with the fact that the infrared and 'H nmr spectra show no evidence of free hydroxyl groups. On the basis of the elemental analysis and spectroscopic data several structures are possible for this compound. The absence of a C=O absorption in the infrared spectrum (solid state, KBr pellets) implies that the aldehyde function is involved in an intra-or intermolecular addition reaction resulting in the loss of the C=O double bond.The result could be a zwitterionic condensate 1 with a fivemembered cyclophenylboronate structure, or a six-membered phenylboronate ring system such as that in the N-oxide 2 or its --rearrangement 3 (which could also be formed directly by condensation of the three reactants).Both isomers, 1 and 2, could also be transformed by intra- The structure was solved by direct methods. The non-hydrogen atoms were positioned from an E-map and the hydrogen atoms from a subsequent difference Fourier synthesis. The non-hydrogen atoms were refined with anisotropic thermal parameters and the hydrogen atoms with isotropic thermal parameters. Scattering factors for all atoms were taken from ref.