SynopsisHigh-molecular-weight chicken erythrocyte chromatin was prepared by mild digestion of nuclei with micrococcal nuclease. Samples of chromatin containing both core (H3, H4, H2A, H2B) and lysine-rich (Hl, H5) histone proteins (whole chromatin) or only core histone proteins (core chromatin) were examined by CD and thermal denaturation as a function of ionic strength between 0.75 and 7.0 X lOW3M Na+. CD studies a t 21°C revealed a conformational transition over this range of ionic strengths in core chromatin, which indicated a partial unfolding of a segment of the core particle DNA a t the lowest ionic strength studied. This transition is prevented by the presence of the lysine-rich histones in whole chromatin. Thermal-denaturation profiles of both whole and core chromatins, recorded by hyperchromicity a t 260 nm, reproducibly and systematicaily varied with the ionic strength of the medium. Both materials displayed three resolvable thermal transitions, which represented the total DNA hyperchromicity on denaturation. The fractions of the total DNA which melted in each of these transitions were extremely sensitive to ionic strength. These effects are considered to result from intra-and/or internucleosomal electrostatic repulsions in chromatin studied a t very low ionic strengths. Comparison of the whole and core chromatin melting profiles indicated substantial stabilization of the core-particle DNA by binding sites between the H1/H5 histones and the 140-base-pair core particle.