. 66,2981 (1988).The crystal and molecular structures of two ligands for the benzodiazepine (BZ) receptor, t-butyl P-carboline-3-carboxylate, I (C16H16N202)r and 2-(methoxycarbonyl)canthin-6-one, I1 (C16HlaN203), are reported. The t-butyl P-carboline compound has high affinity for the receptor and is an antagonist; in contrast, the canthin-6-one has a 10-fold lower affinity for the receptor and no determinable in vivo activity. The space group for I is P2Jc with n = 11.756(1), b = 11.2324(8), c = 11.964(1) A, and P = 105.99(1)". For 11, the space group is also P21/c with n = 9.317(1), b = 7.964(1), c = 17.180(3) A, and P = 104.173 (7)". The orientation of the alkyl-carboxylate side chain is different in the two molecules and may be related to the difference in affinity and in vivo activity of the ligands. In addition, the packing arrangements in the two structures are dominated by T-stacking interactions; and, in the case of the t-butyl compound, by hydrogen bonding. On rapporte les structures cristallines et molCculaire de deux ligands du rCcepteur de la benzodiazepine (BZ) : la P-carboline carboxylate-3 de tert-butyle, I, (CI6Hl6N2O2) et la (methoxycarbony1e)-2 canthinone-6, 11, (C16HIONZ03) Le compose P-carboline de tert-butyle a une grande affinitC pour le rCcepteur et son antagoniste; la canthinone-6, au contraire a une affinit6 10 fois plus faible pour le ricepteuret son activit6 in vjvo n'est pas dCcelable. Le composC I appartient au groupe d'espace P2Jc avec [Traduit par la revue]