We investigate the magneto-optical properties of excitons bound to single stacking faults in highpurity GaAs. We find that the two-dimensional stacking fault potential binds an exciton composed of an electron and a heavy-hole, and confirm a vanishing in-plane hole g-factor, consistent with the atomic-scale symmetry of the system. The unprecedented homogeneity of the stacking-fault potential leads to ultra-narrow photoluminescence emission lines (with full-width at half maximum 80 µeV) and reveals a large magnetic non-reciprocity effect that originates from the magnetoStark effect for mobile excitons. These measurements unambiguously determine the direction and magnitude of the giant electric dipole moment ( e · 10 nm) of the stacking-fault exciton, making stacking faults a promising new platform to study interacting excitonic gases.Introduction. The stacking fault (SF), a planar, atomically thin defect, is one of the most common extended defects in zinc-blende, wurtzite, and diamond semiconductors. A fundamental understanding of the SF potential is important for determining how the defect affects semiconductor device performance [1, 2], engineering heterostructures based on crystal phase [3][4][5], and providing a new twodimensional (2D) platform for fundamental physics [6,7]. Here we report on excitons bound to large-area, single SFs in high-purity GaAs, a unique system where SFs are easily isolated with far-field optical techniques. The atomic smoothness of the potential and extreme perfection of the surrounding semiconductor result in ultra-high optical homogeneity ( 80 µeV). This enables optical resolution of the SF exciton fine-structure and thus direct measurement of the giant built-in dipole moment ( e · 10 nm) via the magnetoStark effect. These results indicate that the extremelyhomogeneous SF potential may be promising for studies of many-body excitonic physics, including coherent phenomena [8-10], spin currents [11], superfluidity [12], long-range order [13][14][15][16][17], and large optical nonlinearities [18][19][20].Stacking fault photoluminescence. Figure 1(a) shows a spectrally resolved confocal scan of SF structures in a GaAs epilayer, excited with an above band-gap laser (1.65 eV, 1.5 K) [21]. The image is colored red, green or blue according to three characteristic emission bands shown in Fig. 1e. The narrow-band PL at 1.493 and 1.496 eV originates from excitons, electron-hole pairs, bound to the 2D SF potential [22,23]. The sample consists of a 10 µm GaAs layer on 100 nm AlAs on a 5 nm/5 nm AlAs/GaAs (10×) superlattice grown directly on a semi-insulating (100) GaAs substrate. Stacking fault structures nucleate near the substrateepilayer interface during epitaxial growth [21].The physical origin of the potential can be understood from the atomic structure of the SF defect: the lattice-plane ordering in the [111] direction of zinc-blende is modified