Crystalline-to-rotator phase transitions have been widely studied in bulk hydrocarbons, in particular in normal alkanes. But few studies of these transitions deal with molecularly thin films of pure n-alkanes on solid substrates. In this work, we were able to grow dotriacontane ͑n-C 32 H 66 ͒ films without coexisting bulk particles, which allows us to isolate the contribution to the ellipsometric signal from a monolayer of molecules oriented with their long axis perpendicular to the SiO 2 surface. For these submonolayer films, we found a step in the ellipsometer signal at ϳ331 K, which we identify with a solid-solid phase transition. At higher coverages, we observed additional steps in the ellipsometric signal that we identify with a solid-solid phase transition in multilayer islands ͑ϳ333 K͒ and with the transition to the rotator phase in bulk crystallites ͑ϳ337 K͒, respectively. After considering three alternative explanations, we propose that the step upward in the ellipsometric signal observed at ϳ331 K on heating the submonolayer film is the signature of a transition from a perpendicular monolayer phase to a denser phase in which the alkane chains contain on average one to two gauche defects per molecule.